Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to Write a Letter of Interest [Samples + Format]

How to Write a Letter of Interest Samples + Format How to Write a Letter of Interest Samples + Format How to Write a Letter of Interest Samples + FormatMany companies dont advertise all of their positions externally.It can be worthwhile to submit an application to a company that isnt in the midst of hiring. Theres a option they may need your expertise, and you may even be the perfect fit.If you decide to go this route, youll need to submit a letter of interest to the desired company (along with your fine-tuned resume). Read on for a concise definition and find out how to write a letter of interest for a job. Weve also included some successful letter of interest samples.1. What is a Letter of Interest?A letter of interest states that youd like to work at a company even if it isnt advertising a job opening. You might also hear it called a letter of intent for a jobor statement of interest.Letter of Interest vs. Cover LetterNote that a letter of interest is different from a cover letter . A cover letter is targeted toward a specific role thats been advertised. By contrast, a letter of intent is sent to a company on your own initiative. It should impress the hiring manager so that theyll call you in for an bewerbungsinterview.Letters of interest can be sent by anyone at any level of experience. For example, a seasoned employee might have insider knowledge and skills that an employer would appreciate. Or a college grad passionate about a cause might send a letter of intent to an NGO or politician they admire.2. How to Write a Letter of Intent - First StepsTake the time to write a good letter of intent.Before you write your letter of interest, research your target company and find out about its aims and track record.If youre happy with what you discover, check whether you have any insider connections that can work to your advantage.For example, you might have a friend (or even a friend of a friend) working at the company youre considering. They can put in a good word for you with the hiring department. Or they might give you some insider tips, like whether the company is currently facing any challenges (maybe ones you could help with).Spread the word on your social media accounts (like your LinkedIn profile) that youre looking for anyone working at your target company. You never know who may help you plus, they have an incentive since they may receive a referral bonus if youre hired.How to Address Your LetterStarting a letter of interest with To whom it may concern or Dear sir/madam is ineffective. Thats because it shows you havent bothered to research the companys key players.Its crucial to find out the name of the hiring manager, recruiter, or whoever youre addressing your application to, and use their proper name. The companys website should list this information if not, check on LinkedIn (or Google).Alternatively, you can try phoning the company and asking for the name of the hiring manager. Let whoever picks up know that youd like to prope rly address your letter of interest, and you appreciate them taking the time to help you.3. How to Write a Letter of Interest - FormatSince you dont apply for a specific role in a letter of interest, its not as easy to clarify how youd be the perfect fit. Instead, you can paint in broad strokes, stating how your overall skill set would help the company excel. Lets breakdown the format of a letter of interest by paragraph.Paragraph 1 Introduce YourselfIn the first paragraph of your letter of intent, introduce yourself and spell out what youre seeking. For instance, if you think youd suit a role in the accounts department, state that here.Clarify why youre passionate about working for their company, and what hurdles or problems youve identified that you think you can overcome.Introduce yourself and spell out what youre seeking.Make it clear why youre writing to them. State that you know theyre not currently advertising, but that you have resume skills that they dont want to miss out on.Paragraph 2 Impress The ReaderThe next paragraph needs to leave a positive impression on the recruiter. Inserting quantifiable data is one way of doing just that.Deploy statistics that show how youve made a positive impact for the companies or projects youve worked on in the past. For example, maybe you increased profits by 47% in your last sales role. Or maybe you signed up 1,740 new clients.You can also detail major projects youve seen through to the end. Essentially, walk them through your methods of success. Additionally, touch upon your major hard skills and soft skills.If youre a recent graduate, you can talk up your volunteer experience or extracurricular achievements instead.Paragraph 3 Use an Effective Call to ActionThe final paragraph of your letter of interest is referred to as the call to action. Thats because youre calling on the reader to act. In this case, you want them to call you in for an interview.So make things easy for them. Provide them with your contact det ails. Your email and phone number should be repeated here even though theyll already be listed on your resume.Also, state that youre available to come in for an interview at any time. And dont just limit your availability to a formal interview - a quick chat over coffee with a hiring manager can lead to real results too.Sign Off the Old-Fashioned WayIf youre sending your letter through by mail, dont get too fancy with your sign off - the traditional Sincerely, will suffice.If youre sending your letter of interest by email instead of by snail mail, then Best wishes or Best regards does the trick.4. Letter of Interest Examples (for Jobs Internships)Here are three sample letters of interest that have been successfully used to land interviews. You can adapt them to suit your own situation - just copy and paste them.Sample Letter of Interest for a JobIf youve read something impressive about a company, you might want to send a letter of interest. Check out this letter of intent sample Todays DateHiring Managers Title NameCompany AddressCompany City, State, Zip CodeCompanys Telephone No.Hiring Managers EmailDear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Hiring Managers Name,I recently read a newspaper article about your companys reputation as being an excellent workplace for tech professionals - specifically about how Target Company allots time for its employees to work on personal projects of interest they believe could become viable products. This type of autonomy isnt common in tech, so I wanted to reach out about applying for a development position within your company.I have extensive experience (+10 years) developing new products, and have worked on diverse product types. I have successfully overseen the launch of 17 different products, five of which were innovated by me. On average, total revenue increased by an average of 17% during my tenure.I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with a member of your team about what I can bring to your organization in the future. I am availabl e to meet at your convenience, and can be reached at Your Email Address or Your Phone Number.I look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,Your SignatureYour NameLetter of Interest (Teacher)As an educator, you might have been inspired by another schools example. You can enquire whether they have a position with a letter of interest.Todays DatePrincipal Principals NameSchool AddressSchool City, State, Zip CodeSchools Telephone No.Schools EmailDear Principal Principals Last Name,As a compassionate and experienced educator who recently read about your many successes in the pages of the Springfield Herald, I wanted to personally write to you and submit myself for consideration as a teacher at your school.I currently work for Current School Name. I have 10+ years of experience teaching second-grade classes of 25 to 30 students. I am an effective, competent teacher of English, Math, Science, and all other second-grade subjects, and am adept at using positive-reinforcement techniques to ens ure good behavior. Additionally, I pioneered a 7309 a.m. open-door meeting policy for parents and students, and launched a weekly after-school art class that has inspired my students to dream big. However, my wife will be relocating to City Name, and I have decided to join her.I am excited about the opportunity to help the students of Winfield Elementary School pursue their dreams. I would be grateful for the chance to speak with you about how I could improve your students futures. Id be happy to call you at your office if you have time during the week. I can be reached at Your Email Address or Your Phone Number.I look forward to speaking to you.Sincerely,Your SignatureYour NameLetter of Interest for an InternshipLetters of interest are as equally viable for internships and volunteering opportunities as they are for full-time roles. Our internship statement of interest sample might help you write your ownTodays DateThe Hon. Congresspersons NameOffice No.Washington, DC 20515Congressp ersons Telephone NumberCongresspersons EmailDear Congressperson Congresspersons Name,I am writing to express my interest in volunteering for a role in your reelection campaign. As a constituent, I have followed your legislative activities closely, and believe your positions on Three Key Positions will make the Second District a better place to live.I am an experienced activist, who has worked on several campaigns. For example, I worked on Petition Name, personally gaining the signatures of 4,700 voters, 17% more than anyone else on the same campaign. I also organized a rally on Issue Name, and succeeded in attracting 7,400 local residents to come and support our featured speakers, leading to a 7-minute spot on the biggest TV news channel in our district.I am available to meet with you or one of your campaign managers to discuss how I can most effectively contribute to your reelection effort. I can be contacted at Your Phone Number or Your Email Number. Together, I believe we can def eat Opponents Name and retain the Second District for the Party Name.Yours sincerely,Your SignatureYour Name5. Whats Next?Now that you know how to write a letter of intent, you should know how to go about writing your own. Feel free to use our examples to get started.Dont forget to send in your resume with your letter of interest - you can browse our gallery of resume templates and find your perfect match. If youre pressed for time, our free-to-use resume builder can generate a resume for you in mere minutes.Let us know if you have any questions or comments below.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Mike Bloomberg tells Harvard gradsuates money isnt important

Mike Bloomberg tells Harvard gradsuates money isnt importantMike Bloomberg tells Harvard gradsuates money isnt importantFormer New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants graduates to forget about the salary when thinking about your first job.The billionaire business mogul served as the Class Day Speaker at Harvard Business School Class Day on Wednesday, where he told graduates to pursue happiness over money when they land their first job out of school.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraBut seriously, when you weigh a job offer my message to you is, even later in life when youre considering a career change, leave salary out of the equation, Bloomberg said. Make decisions based on the quality of the opportunity, and where youll have the most fun and the most room for growth.Whats important for your career is elend your starting salary. Its your development and happiness. The cash wi ll come later on.The 77-year-old reflected on life lessons he learned at his first job with Salomon Brothers, where he stressed the importance of ethics. As a 24-year-old at his first job, Bloomberg said it welches where he welches able to landsee the ethics he grew up with put to use in the workplace.He offered five bullets for graduates to help lead the way which included being honest with each other, find a job that aligns itself with philanthropy, gives back, and dont undervalue your employees if you ever find yourself in a leadership position.Gordon Gekko welches wrong Greed aint good, Bloomberg joked.His final piece of advice welches to never self-deal stressing the importance of your reputation.After following all of these principles, insist on no less from the people who ask for the most precious commodity you will ever own your vote, he said. Elect people who understand that its their obligation to make capitalism work for everyone, and notlage be so naive to think other sy stems will be better.Below is the full transcript of his speechWell good afternoon. Thank you, Dan for the introduction and you really dont have to call me Mayor Bloomberg. Mr. Bloomberg would be just fine, thank you.Let me also thank Nitin for the honor of addressing you. I didnt have much choice when he called he didnt ask me to come, he told me I was coming.Let me begin with the most important words I can say today congratulations to the distinguished graduates of the great class of 2019.It was only 53 years ago that I was in your shoes, so I know youve had an amazing experience here. You have mastered the case method during your time on campus and the art of asking tough questions, like why dont the printers ever work here? Why on earth do they use the case method to teach accounting? Who thought of that?And the toughest question of all how many people does it take to finish a Scorpion Bowl at Hong Kong? For the record, the correct answer there is mora than one.HBS really doe s have a special place in my heart. Not only did I graduate from here, but so did my daughter, Emma.My foundation teamed up with the B-School and K-School to create a mayoral leadership program run by hochschulprofessor Abdelal.And my father who died a year before I was accepted to HBS has his name on the building that stands behind Baker, an honor that would have thrilled him.He and my mother raised my sister and me just five miles from here in Medford, Massachusetts. That was convenient, because I never would have made it through the B-School without my mother nearby she typed all my papers. Five decades later I still cant type or spell. But I do have the good sense to have someone proof my tweets.As you can imagine, I also had the good sense to keep my Boston connections to myself when I was Mayor of New York City, especially when the Red Sox, Celtics, Bruins or Patriots came to town. I will just note that during my time in City Hall, the Giants beat the Patriots in two Super Bowls. I did my job.We moved to Medford from Brookline a few miles from here when I was four-years-old. And I can still remember my first day in our new home. A boy from up the street clunked me over the head with a jupe and I went in bleeding to my mother, which is to say I learned about Boston hospitality at a young age. I guess I had a hard head even back then.Even though I grew up just a trolley car ride away, when I first arrived on campus I felt like Id entered a whole new world. Suddenly, I was in classes with friends whose families had built major companies and had famous last names. That was a pretty radical change from my childhood. My mother once told me we never knew anybody whose name was in the nachrichtenpaper, unless it was in the crime or the obit section.I cant say I spent a lot of time across this lawn in Baker Library. My transcript is evidence of that. I was always one of those who made the top half of the class possible. I was more likely to be over the bridge at what is now the Russell House Tavern. Back then, it was a German beer hall called The Wursthaus. Its where I first learned that its better not to watch sausage being made.Now, Im sure many of you have already lined up a job. But for those who havent, dont worry. I was a month away from graduating from the B-School and I still had no idea what I wanted to do. I asked a classmate for advice. He said, Go to Wall Street. I said, I dont know anything about finance. He said, Just apply for jobs at Salomon Brothers Hutzler, and a firm named Goldman Sachs. And I said, Who are they? What do they do?Yes, I was a B-School kid who had never heard of Goldman Sachs. A lot has changed since then.Goldman, I remember, flew me down to New York and offered me a job starting at $14,000 a year not bad pay for 1966. Salomon Brothers sent me a train ticket and offered me a job for only $9,000. After the interviews, I thought I would fit much better into Salomon. But I told the senior partner, John G utfreund, I couldnt afford to pay the rent on that salary. Rent in New York was really expensive back then 120 bucks a month, as I remember.He said, how much do you need? I didnt want to be piggy about it, so I said on the spur of the moment $11,500. He said, OK, $9,000 in salary and a $2,500 loan. And he walked out of the room. This is a true story, I didnt know what to do.So I showed up two months later and I just started working. So much for my negotiating skills.For the record, my first year bonus was $500 loan forgiveness, and my second year bonus was forgiveness for the other two grand. Just remember that when you think you are getting stiffed on a bonus negotiation.But seriously, when you weigh a job offer my message to you is, even later in life when youre considering a career change, leave salary out of the equation. Make decisions based on the quality of the opportunity, and where youll have the most fun and the most room for growth.Whats important for your career is not your starting salary. Its your development and happiness. The cash will come later on.I learned a lot about finance at Salomon, but the most valuable lesson I learned had nothing to do with stocks and bonds. They were lessons on how to apply what I had learned not only here at HBS, but also from my parents, and from my time as an Eagle Scout.The head of Salomon Brothers, Billy Salomon, never went to college, no less business school. He never took a class in corporate responsibility and he didnt need to. Being ethical does not require a Masters degree. It requires having a conscience and following it. It requires being honest and truthful, and never lying or cheating.Let me give you a quick example there was a rule at Salomon against giving gifts to clients to win more business. When Billy caught someone sending a case of wine to a major client, he fired him on the spot. Period, end of story. It didnt matter that he was perhaps the most productive salesman in the company.You can s ay Billy over-reacted but I dont think so. The rules he asked us to follow he followed himself no exceptions. And when it came to ethics, there was no compromising.Billy treated everyone the same from senior partners to the custodial staff. No one was better than anyone else. And Billy believed if you were lucky enough to make some money, you had an obligation to give a percentage of it away to help others. In fact, he didnt ask you what the percentage should be, he told you and you did it.Ive been very lucky in my career. But my luckiest break wasnt getting fired although that was pretty lucky it turned out. My luckiest break was taking a job where I got to see the ethics I learned growing up put into practice in the workplace. And Id like to think the principles that I learned at Salomon have guided my life ever since.But when we look at todays world, its not clear that everyone with a degree in business has those principles. And thats one reason, I believe, that this great co untry of ours is suffering from an ethical crisis that is corroding our society.Today, Americans are questioning whether those in the private sector and in Washington can provide the moral leadership our country needs, both economically and politically. They see the rewards of the economy increasingly concentrated at the top. They see wealthy parents scamming the college admissions process. They see families unable to afford health care and housing in the worlds richest country. They see decades of discrimination based on race and ethnicity trapping another generation into poverty. And they wonder is our economic system breaking down?At the same time, if they are not blinded by partisanship when they look at Washington, D.C., they see truth and science being trampled with reckless abandon. They see the rule of law being attacked and undermined. They see a chorus of enablers who defend every lie and abuse of power. And they wonder is our political system breaking down, too?Now, as you may know, Ive never been much for party politics. Ive supported Democrats, Republicans, and independents. Hell, Ive actually been a Democrat, Republican, and independent.No party has a monopoly on good ideas or good people. But I believe all of us have an obligation to reject those who traffic in dishonesty and deceit. That is not a partisan position. That is a patriotic position.For full disclosure, back in 2016 at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia when the Republican nominee was promising to run our country like he ran his business, I said, God help us. And not just because he went to Wharton. Actually I wish I hadnt been right.But unfortunately, when we elect people to public schreibstube who have no interest in ethics, that depravity trickles down and it seeps into our culture.Thirty years ago, New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan a Harvard professor I should note described societys growing tolerance for illicit behavior as defining deviancy down.Today , we face the same problem only the bad behavior is not on city streets but in the halls of power in Washington. And as our political culture degenerates, so does our ability to address all the big challenges that we face.Now, the good news is there is a solution. In fact, I believe that the solution to our political problems is also the solution to our economic problems. And I can sum it up in one word integrity.In Econ 101, you were probably taught that markets are based on supply and demand. But for capitalism to really function, people need to have faith that they will be entering into generally fair exchanges that one side wont cheat on the other.Of course, not every person can be trusted to act with integrity, so we do have laws and regulations that are intended to guarantee it. Those legal controls dont always work and periodically, we do need to update them.For example, a century ago, Teddy Roosevelt took on the largest corporations that were destroying competition. Twent y five years later, Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal provided relief from a Great Depression that some thought would lead to the downfall of capitalism.For their leadership, T.R. and F.D.R. were reviled by many in the business world and considered traitors to their class. But their actions preserved the integrity of markets by restoring peoples faith in them.Now, Im as much of a capitalist as you will ever find, but anyone who believes that unfettered capitalism works hasnt read history.Today, we hear echoes of the challenges the Roosevelts faced. Industry consolidation has reached record levels, and is suppressing competition and choice. And more and more Americans especially in your generation are questioning whether capitalism is capable of creating a just society. Their faith in America and all that we represent is being shaken.If we do not act to restore it, the turmoil in our politics today will be only a prelude of whats to come, and that could shake the very foundations of our society.Graduates, we cannot allow those issues to fester. We must address them now. We must find new ways to build a capitalist society that is more dynamic and more secure, more affluent and more equal.So think of this as your next case study. And its the ultimate case study for our country, because its based on the ultimate question how do we restore faith in the promise of America and the future of the American dream?There are no silver bullets, but I believe all of you have a critical role to play. So let me offer you a few ideas on how you can help lead the way.First, start with yourself. Wherever your career leads you, be honest with your colleagues, clients and contractors. Dont ever try to take advantage of them. Dont hesitate to speak up when someone else does.Public faith in private markets rests on individual actions. Billy Salomon understood that. And I hope you will seek out organizations that are led by people who understand it, as well.Second, when applying f or a job, align yourself with companies that are engaged in philanthropy. I tell job applicants all the time, if you want the fruits of your labor the companys profits spent on education, public health, the arts, government innovation, and the environment, come to work at Bloomberg. If thats not what you want, youre not the right person for us.Philanthropy gives us a competitive advantage, we think, in recruiting and retaining talent. And I can tell you from personal experience it is also good for the bottom line, as good a thing a company can do.Third, give back on your own and dont wait. Ill never forget watching my father write a check for 50 bucks to the NAACP which was a lot of money for us when I was a kid. I asked him, Daddy, why? And he said, Because discrimination against anyone is a threat to everyone.And I can just tell you after 50-plus years in business and government, people have a hell of a lot more respect for those who make a difference in society than they do fo r people who just make money. And the networks that you will make through philanthropy will open up lots of new opportunities for your career.Gordon Gekko was wrong greed aint good.All of you have spent two years studying how to run and manage organizations. There are so many groups that could benefit from your expertise. So volunteer, serve, go into government. Just remember the difference between business and government business is a dog-eat-dog world. And government is exactly the reverse. So you can do it.Fourth, if and when you end up in an executive position, dont make one of the fundamental mistakes that I see businesses and boards make all the time under-valuing their labor force, and over-compensating their CEOs.Management often treats workers like widgets which theyre not. And boards treat CEOs like irreplaceable geniuses, which they rarely are.At Bloomberg, we pay employees very well, we invest in their training and education, and we offer industry-leading benefits. In r eturn, our employees pay us back ten-fold with their dedication and loyalty.Doing right by your employees pays. It really does. And there is no better way to strengthen capitalism than to give people a greater stake in its success.Fifth and finally, never self-deal. Ever. And avoid even the slightest perception of a conflict of interest.After I was elected mayor, I decided to refuse a $15 million city tax break that Bloomberg had already qualified for. And I waived the fees for the Bloomberg Terminals that the city agencies had under contract. And I certainly never charged taxpayers $300,000 in golf cart fees for my security team. I wouldve thought Wharton would teach its students not to do that, but who knew?But really, your reputation is everything. Dont sell it or trade it for anything.Finally, after following all of these principles, insist on no less from the people who ask for the most precious commodity you will ever own, and that is your vote.Elect people who understand that its their obligation to make capitalism work for everyone, and not be so naive to think other systems will be better. That means picking up where Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt left off, and modernizing capitalism for our time.America must always be a place where its possible to get rich through perspiration and innovation. But it must never be a place where the middle class steadily loses ground and where many of those feel trapped at the bottom.Unfortunately, that is the path we are on. And the further we go down that path, the more likely that the most extreme voices on both the left and right will attract large followings, win power, and do real harm to our country.Now, Im an optimist, and we will change direction I think, partly because of how business leaders are already taking on one of the biggest challenges that we face climate change.Today, Im glad to announce that HBS will hold an alumni conference next year, on investing in the age of climate change with Bloom berg Philanthropies support. Its another example of where doing right and doing good are aligned.Investors are demanding that businesses disclose the climate risks they face because it affects their bottom line. Ive helped spearhead a push for more transparency, through the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. And next year here at HBS, we will bring government and business leaders together to discuss how we can beschirrung the power of the market to protect the environment.Market forces are among the most powerful tools in the world. But whether its climate change, or income inequality, or gun violence, or any other issue, those forces must be guided by ethical leaders, or else the markets invisible hand can turn into a clenched fist.And when societys most defenseless take it on the chin, I can promise you they will fight back with unpredictable consequences and demand a better deal, as they should.Graduates, restoring the faith that Americans have been losing in our economic and political systems is a big job. If you wont lead it, who will?Youve been fortunate to spend two years on this pristine campus where even the squirrels seem to have come from the spa. But as you know, the real world can be dirty, unfair, and unjust, unless you insist otherwise. And capitalism can run amok, unless you steer it back on course.As graduates of the Harvard Business School you have the ability to help our nation do all of that and much more and I sincerely hope that you will.So tonight, have one last Scorpion Bowl, and tomorrow start helping to restore and renew our national sense of integrity.Our country needs you, and you can do it.Congratulations and best of luck.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, acc ording to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, December 20, 2019

ECLIPSE Interns Continue the Put-A-Smile Effort in Puerto Rico

ECLIPSE Interns Continue the Put-A-Smile Effort in Puerto Rico ECLIPSE Interns Continue the Put-A-Smile Effort in Puerto Rico ECLIPSE Interns Continue the Put-A-Smile Effort in Puerto RicoStudents from the Aurora Mendez Charneco Elementary School in Puerto Rico enjoy the gift bags sent to them by the 2017-2018 ASME Early Career Leadership Intern Program to Serve Engineering (ECLIPSE) fr sichs as parte of the Put-A-Smile initiative.Earlier this year, the 2017-2018 class of ASME Early Career Leadership Intern Program to Serve Engineering (ECLIPSE) interns, inspired by the efforts of group of ASME members in California, decided to attempt to lift the spirits of school children in Puerto Rico, which is still slowly recovering from the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria last frage.Spearheaded by ASME members and ECLIPSE interns Jonathan Jennings, Kushi Sellahennedige and Joseph Radisek, theirs was the second activity in the Put-A-Smile endeavor, a grassroots ASME member initiative to bring cheer to children affected by last years hurricanes in Texas and Puerto Rico. As previously reported in ASME News, several ASME members of the Orange County, Santa Clara Valley and Los Angeles Sections in California launched the program last fall when they sent gift bags to students at Lobit Elementary School in Dickinson, Texas, a community that was hit especially hard last summer by Hurricane Harvey, which flooded approximately 90 percent of homes in the area. William Rios and Andrea Nemesszeghy of the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez (UPRM) Campus ASME chapter spoke to the elementary school students about STEM-related careers during their ASME Links presentation at Aurora Mendez Charneco Elementary School.After hearing about the Put-A-Smile activity in California, Jennings and his fellow ECLIPSE interns began planning one of their own. Jennings coordinated the effort, while Sellahennedige took on fundraising responsibilities, collecting a total of more than $300 from an office fundraiser she organized along with donations from Jennings and ECLIPSE secretary Joseph Radisek. Jennings, his daughter and some of her neighborhood friends packed the gift bags, which were filled with an assortment of candy and toy airplane gliders for the kids and accompanied with supplies for a spaghetti bridge-building activity that would introduce the students to some of the principles of engineering and science. Jennings, a longtime rocket enthusiast, also included rocket-building kits that the students could assemble and launch under the supervision of a teacher.Eduardo Morales Rivera, who was president of the ASME student chapter at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus at the time, agreed to distribute the packages after being contacted about the project through his student chapters Facebook page. Rivera and the ECLIPSE interns eventually selected the Aurora Mendez Charneco Elementary School as the distribution policy to distribute the bags dur ing a special STEM presentation that would be led by two of the chapters student members, Andrea Nemesszeghy, marketing chief for the UPRM ASME chapter, and William Rios, the chapters academics chief. During their interactive presentation, titled ASME Links, the two student members discussed pursuing degrees and careers in STEM-related fields. Nemesszeghy and Rios then guided the children through a lively exercise in which the children constructed bridges out of spaghetti and then tested the strength of their creations by placing scissors on them. Aurora Mendez Charneco Elementary School students secure the bridge they created out of spaghetti during the school visit from members of the UPRM ASME chapter in January.Rivera believes that in addition to lightening the spirits of the students, the Put-A-Smile packages combined with the presentation had a bigger, hopefully lasting impact because it presented science and engineering concepts to students who may not have bee n otherwise introduced to them.In fact, by the end of the bridge-building activity, many of the students were announcing that they wanted to become engineers, scientists, astronauts, innovators or involved in other science-related professions, Rivera said. They were very excited with the activity, he said, adding that the teachers were so pleased with the students response, they have asked Rivera and his fellow student members to return. The teachers that helped us out were very thankful for bringing this kind of joy back to the school and to the children that had suffered so much with the after-effects of the hurricane. I think it is important because it creates a loop of information with us, the soon-to-be professionals, the teachers, and the students the professionals of the future. By doing so, he said, we not only ensure a better future but the kids are left with the impression that no matter the situation, everything is possible. Eduardo Morales Rivera of the UPRM ASME chapter (right) joins Andrea Nemesszeghy during the ASME Links presentation.Jennings, who also found the project to be a rewarding experience, observed that while the year-long term for him and his fellow ECLIPSE interns would be ending soon, the Put-A-Smile project could be something that the next class of ECLIPSE interns may choose to continue. In addition, members of ASME sections and student sections may also want to consider organizing their own Put-A-Smile-inspired project as one of their sections activities.ASME members or student members who are interested should contact Jonathan Jennings at, ECLIPSE intern Joseph Radisek at, or Michael Roy of the Group Engagement Committee at

Sunday, December 15, 2019

6 ways to control emotional eating during the holidays

6 ways to control emotional eating during the holidays6 ways to control emotional eating during the holidaysIts that time again were burning the candle at both ends trying to finish up our end-of-year work all while preparing for the holidays. Whether its shopping, decorating, traveling or navigating family squabbles about where you will be celebrating, while all this turmoil is happening, its easy to lose your healthy eating patterns. Weve asked experts how to curb emotional eating and so you keep walking a healthy line during the holidays.Have a game plan before arriving at a holiday partyIts easier to make decisions before arriving starving and anxious to a party.Call your host and ask, What are you serving? Then, map out your entire culinary game plan from appetizers to nachtischs, recommends Danine Fruge, MD, ABFP, medical director at Pritikin Longevity Center in Miami. Its far better to make these decisions at home, when youre calm and rationale and not experiencing the stress of unhealthy temptations.Cut back on boozeWe all know family tensions can ramp up over the holidays, and one drink too many can take some of us places we really dont want to go, says Dr. Fruge. So, keep a close eye on your alcohol intake.Drinking less also means youre less likely to go overboard on the bacon-wrapped smokies and fruitcake, she adds.Keep yourself occupiedSummer Yule, a registered dietician in Avon, CT, says to keep a busy box filled with things to do next to the refrigerator to ward off emotional eating.Fill this box with whatever you would like. It could be a knitting project that you have neglected to finish, or a book youve been meaning to read, thank you notes youd like to write, a scrapbooking project, or a DVD youd like to watch, Yule says. Instead of mindlessly reaching into the fridge when you arent really hungry, grab something to do from the box.Not only are you helping to curb mindless eating behaviors with this technique,but you are also getting some thin gs done that you enjoy. It is a double win, Yule adds.Allow a sugar quotaFor stress-eaters, the holidays are most likely a trigger.Sweets tend to be one of the most consumed foods when emotionally eating, says Sarah Thacker, a health coach and therapist in New York. During the holiday season it seems as though we are constantly surrounded by homemade treats, candies, and dessert with most meals, making it difficult to resist.According to the American Heart Association, says Thacker, women should have no more than 24 grams of added sugar per day and men no more than 36 grams of added sugar per day.When you pay attention to how many grams of sugar are in certain foods, you can make more empowered decisions about what to eat and how to spend your sugar grams each day, she continues. During the holiday season, you might set it slightly higher than this or make certain days exceptions, but just not every single day.Thacker states when you predetermine how much sugar you will take in dail y, you are more likely to pay attention to the amount of sugar in foods and more likely to make informed decisions. This allows to you to feel strong and in control rather than weak, shameful and deprived, she adds.Make choices on how you WANT to feelThacker says when you make your decisions based on how you want to feel, you are more likely to make an empowered and positive choice in the moment. departure each day with asking yourself How do I want to feel today?Says Thacker If you want to feel strong, ask yourself with each decision you make about food, Does this choice support how I want to feel? If no, you have an opportunity to make an empowered choice to say no to that particular food while choosing to say yes to yourself, yes to how you want to feel. There is no food that tastes as good as it feels to show up for yourself and making empowered choices.Focus on vegetablesAt holiday meals (and all throughout the year) aim for at half of your plate to be loaded with vegetables, s ays Thacker.When you do this, you are not only getting in the nutrition you need, vegetables will help to fill you up, she says. This plan also leaves less space for the sugary foodsboth on your plate and in your belly.Furthermore, she says when you are well nourished you tend to have fewer cravings which allows you to resist the second helping of pie.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Benefits of Summary for Resumes Examples

The Benefits of Summary for Resumes Examples The Definitive Strategy to Summary for Resumes Examples Employers dont wish to waste time reading lots of meaningless babble. The medical industry can be quite competitive. In some places, the work market for nurses are often quite tough. In a few minutes, youll have a flawless instance of exactly how incredible you are as a prospective hire. Once youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to learn how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a potent accomplishment statement. Job binnenseekers deserve to come across decent content quickly. All sections may be visible so that recruiters will know where to search for the most significant info about you. Transportation jobs involve a lot of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can manage that. Customer tafelgeschirr is an important element in many jobs and its vital that you concentrate on that in your resume. Various kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with lots of the exact same skills. Furthermore, you can look for warehouse associate jobs on Monster. Scan the work description. Theres also a resume links page and a few resume tips on other pages to have you started. Resumes are usually categorized by the way in which the info is presented. Even if you cant make out a Resume way, it is helpful to earn a little Resume of the portfolio. With only the basic and minimum info, basic resumes are naturally simple to read. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Summary for Resumes Examples Have a look at our sample to find out what a good construction resume looks like. One Page Resumes Examples with organisations whore important to browse through a sizable number of resumes every day. Typically, you can opt to compose References seen on request. Typically, you might choose to compose References seen on request. Whether youre asking for work, a grant, or using your resume t o construct your own client base, a skilled and well-organized resume is advisable. Real estate is a rather lucrative industry so its obviously a competitive one. Sales is much like customer service as salespeople can be effective in a wide selection of industries. If youre attempting to obtain work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Accounting and finance managers might want to see your technical understanding. You dont require experience to get achievements. If youre not certain what to write, highlight your skills employing a number of bullet points. You need to supplement your resume with different achievements. Your measurable achievements allow it to be real. The duration of your resume depends on your degree of experience. On the flip side, functional resumes are typically used by fresh graduates or individuals who have less experience but want to grab the work vacancy. However much or what type of work experience youve got, theres a resume for mat that is likely to make your qualifications shine. Instead, consider starting with a brief overview of your career and abilities. A resume example is able to help you make a decision as to what type of content to include, together with how to format your resume. Therere prepared for obtain, if youd rather and wish to have it, simply click save badge on the webpage, and it is going to be immediately saved to your house computer. With a template, you comprehend the upgrade will always have the precise same formatting, design, and standard structure. Everyone can download simple resume templates from the internet either for free or for a particular price tag. Programs take some time to construct, and its simple to wonder if theyre worth the investment. Notice how the example resumes are extremely specific when it has to do with technical skills. Hiring managers will need to learn your specific abilities and abilities. Resume is a type of document employed by individuals tha t are seeking for employment. Possessing a very clear and professional resume is vital in the health care field. Our resume examples can make certain youre prepared in the event you receive a referral.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Most Disregarded Answer for Staff Accountant Resume

The Most Disregarded Answer for Staff Accountant Resume Most Noticeable Staff Accountant Resume It is simple to post to internet job boards and careers pages. Even a great resume can fall flat once the jobseeker neglects to eliminate glaring errors. Unfortunately, many resumes contain overused or ineffective words that do not add value. Take a look at this page to find a complete collection of jobs.To tailor yur summary for the particular position you want, look carefully at the work description. Your summary has to be concise, but nonetheless, it also needs to provide enough info to pique readers interest. Reviewing an instance of good resume writing can result in a better comprehension of what resume writing tips attempt to inform you. Dont forget to always include your contact information near the top of your resume. If youre not a member of this kind of association, look at becoming one. Each accounting certification is dependent upon which career you would like to pur sue and which level of accounting you wish to master. The subject of public accounting is predicted to see strong job increase in the ten-year period ending in 2022. Its essential to note that the jobseeker only lists post-high school education, since there is no need to mention a high school diploma or GRE when you have a greater degree. Naturally, the period of your resume isnt only dictated by industry. A well crafted restart with the help of specialist resume templates can catch the interest of their organization and get excellent impression. Other classes cooperate in a variety of ways. Utilize bullet points in presenting your work summary. In reality, you already are. Lots of people would like to obtain an increased job. Provide figures wherever its possible. The absolute most important consideration to remember when it regards a staff accountant resume is that you have to be able to undertake any accounting task the moment it has to be carried out. Internal audito r positions may draw in plenty of well-qualified candidates. Task lists are not going to cause you to stick out from the crowd. Staff accountants must possess organizational skills which include attention to detail and the capability to understand and analyze massive amounts of data. Accounting may appear to be a by-the-numbers job but the decent ones understand how to exercise a little creativity to provide you with a more accurate description of geschftliches miteinander performance. It is the usual course people take. In 7 minutes, youre know precisely how to compose a job-winning accounting resume. The Secret to Staff Accountant Resume Whether this Staff Accountant resume example was not sufficient for you, youre absolutely free to review several other samples and templates from our website. Managers might have questions or comments. In some instances, a Masters degree in Accountancy is needed by the employer. Every ideal Staff Accountant resume needs an ideal Staff A ccountant cover letter to go for it The Staff Accountant Resume Cover Up Lets look at a couple of the outcomes of our present day clinic. Instead, you also need to think about your years of experience. Try to remember, dont consist of everything youve done in your career. Saves Time whenever youre searching for an exceptional career, its always fantastic to get another resume for each and every job. You overlook t should go to AA. Work experience also needs to be in reverse chronological order. Show them that this office is the perfect location for your abilities and experience. Lies Youve Been Told About Staff Accountant Resume Nationwide, the amount of accounting jobs is predicted to increase by 13 percent. In bigger firms, an equivalent place of Principal is available to deserving specialists that are non-CPAs. Computer skills on resumes are becoming more and more critical for accountants. Accounting is a rather wide term that covers several different types of jobs a nd duties. The principal function of a staff accountant is to assist the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and the senior accountants of the company to keep the financial records of a business enterprise. If you would like your staff accountant resume to stick out from the rest, then be certain to list all your skills in support of the businesss fiscal efforts. In that case you have to be searching for an accountant job. Staff accountant general use of the job.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Can Google Solve Your Career Dilemma

Can Google Solve Your Career Dilemma Never before in history have we had access to so much data. Thanks to theinternet, we have the answers to every possible question at our fingertips or do we? Its true that theinternet has changed our world. No more visits to the library now we can just Google it or ask Siri. But how accurate is the information we receive from these sources? There are many so-called experts out there can you trust that they are all in fact who they say they are and that they do indeed have the expertise to be giving you advice?When it comes to careers and bearin mind that this is something youll probably be doing for the rest of your life you can easily do a quick search for the best advice out there. However, when it comes to the usefulness of the results you receive, that will depend on what youre looking for.Are you just searching for a bit of quick fix advice, or are you looking for a long-term career strategy? If youre looking for expert advice on how to get that dream job, how to protect yourself against future redundancy, or how to get companies headhunting you, then realistically, youre probably not going to find that advice on the internet. And even if you do, it is unlikely that youll be able to implement it effectively.When youre looking at a long-term career strategy, you need to talk directly to an expert so that they can understand your needs, goals, and motivations and provide you with the support and inspiration that you need to achieve success.This may sound like hard work, but the fact is there are no quick fixes when it comes to your career and even if there were,I wouldnt recommended them Quick fixes just dont workTake dieting, for example Why are people still overweight when there is so much information about healthy eating online and elsewhere? As I said previously, the difficult part is not finding the information its knowing how to execute it effectively.One of the reasons that people find it so hard to put what they have read into action is that there is now so much information out there thatit is virtually impossible for people to decipher whats accurate, relevant, and applicable to them.Are You Looking for Information or Transformation?There is a bigdifference. Transformation is what happens when you take all the information youve gathered and successfully implement it. The key to a long-term successful career is building a strategy a list of future goals that you want to see yourself achieve.Consistently and effectively maintaining and progressing a long-term plan mightrequire support and eintrag from somebody whoknows more about the topic than you do and not in the form of Google search results.So, how do you work out what kind of strategy isrightfor you?Easy. You work out why a company hires you in the first place.You only get hired for one reason, and its a pretty simple one The company has a prob lem, and itexpects you to be the solution to that problem. You need to work out your unique selling point (USP) thats what will differentiate you from everyone elseSo,when applying for any job, your first question should be What might this companys issues be, and how can I solve them?The fact is, progressing your career and getting companies to chase youis about common sense with a little guidance thrown in. You are unlikely to find the answers on the internet they need to come from inside you, based on your own experience, creativity, and problem-solvingcapacity.So, to summarize, when youre trying to decide whether or not to use Google as your career coach, you need to consider whether youre looking forinformation or transformation.Transformation is more likely to happen when you take accountability for your actions and consistently and effectively take control of and manage your own career.As Always Get Noticed, Get Hired.Susan Burke is an award-winning global careers coach. You can connect with Susan viaLinkedInandgrab a complimentary copy of her bookdirect from her website.