Saturday, April 11, 2020

Are Professional Resume Writers Worth the Investment - Work It Daily

Are Professional Resume Writers Worth the Investment - Work It Daily As a Certified Professional Resume Writer and former Executive Recruiter, I am often approached by highly qualified job seekers frustrated by weeks and often months of costly unemployment. Job seekers who have sent hundreds of resumes yet are never called to interview. If they were lucky, they were told early that their resume doesn’t meet today’s standards and needs to be rewritten. However, many job seekers wait and hear nothing; having simply been absorbed by the black hole of the employer’s applicant tracking system software. There is no question that unemployment is expensive; but choosing the wrong resume writer can be equally disastrous. In today's highly competitive job market, your career path and financial future are often determined by the quality of your resume. When you think about it, all anyone needs to become a professional resume writer is a computer and a printer. In fact, many claim to be professional resume writers but often have neither the talent nor the basic training necessary to help you survive the employers’ screening process. In contrast, other resume writers spend thousands of dollars each year attending conferences and participating in other types of training, honing their skills and mastering their craft. Choosing a professional resume writer is really no different than hiring a professional in any industry. Hiring the cheapest writer is likely no bargain; but hiring the most expensive writer will not necessarily guarantee the best resume either. Think about it… what do they call a doctor who graduated at the bottom of his class? A doctor. He may be less expensive than others but would you really trust him to perform lifesaving surgery on you or your loved one? The same holds true with professional resume writers. Are you really prepared to place your financial future into the hands of one of these so called resume writers? When seeking the help of a professional resume writer, certifications and referrals are good places to start. Ask for and compare samples of the writer’s work; better yet, work with a resume writer recommended by recruiters. A smart recruiter knows that their candidates are easier to place and negotiating a top-notch salary improves with a great resume. Angie Jones is an award-winning, dual-certified Resume Writer and Career Coach, a former recruiter and founder of Haute Resume Career Services LLC. Her credentials include having served as a member of the “Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches’ (PARW/CC) Certification Committee.” Resume writer investment image from Shutterstock Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!

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